Reach Out and Serve Someone

Reach Out and Serve Someone

youth planting in a flower bed


Serving others may not be a cure-all for life’s challenges, but it comes close. Service not only helps get your mind off your own problems, but it also brings joy to others and can make a difference in your community. You just might be the answer to someone’s prayer!

Goal Description

Serve those around you, and remember—small acts of service can be just as meaningful as bigger ones!

Goal Ideas

  • Send notes of appreciation or text messages to several people who have made a difference in your life, or who just need some cheering up! Practice this until it becomes a natural part of your day.

  • Develop the ability to notice those around you who seem to be lonely, feeling down, or struggling. Do secret acts of service for these individuals.

  • Do secret acts of service for someone you wouldn’t normally serve.

  • Get your friends together to do an act of service. For example, you could cook a meal, help clean up someone’s yard, or beautify a public place.

  • Get involved with or start a community or church service project.

  • Create your own goal.

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