Learn to Apologize and Forgive
One thing we learn pretty quickly in life is that people will make mistakes that hurt us, and we’ll make mistakes that hurt others too. Learning to apologize and forgive will help reduce stress and bring peace into your life. It will also help you draw closer to the Savior.
Goal Description
Learn how to apologize and to forgive yourself and others.
Goal Ideas
For a couple of weeks, practice being quick to say “I’m sorry.” Or you could practice not being offended, or forgiving those who hurt you-whether they mean to or not. Write down what you learn about forgiving.
Read and think about the parable of the unmerciful servant (see Matthew 18:21–31). Write your feelings about this parable in your journal. How could it help you in your life?
Learn more about the role of the Atonement in gaining forgiveness and forgiving others. You could study the scriptures and general conference talks on the topic of forgiveness or talk to a trusted adult, such as a parent or leader.
Think about your family members and friends. Is there a relationship that needs mending through a sincere apology? It may help to pray for understanding and courage. Then make the apology and do things to rebuild the relationship.
If you are struggling to forgive someone who has hurt you, pray regularly for that person (see Matthew 5:44 or 3 Nephi 12:44). You could also fast for help to forgive them.
Create your own goal.
Related Resources
I’m Sorry, Bertha (New Era or Liahona)
“I’m Sorry” Didn’t Feel Like Enough (New Era)
Forgiveness (Gospel Topics)
Forgiveness (General Conference Message)