Live the Word of Wisdom

Live the Word of Wisdom

young woman with fruit


Some people think of the Word of Wisdom as just a list of rules about what to eat and what to avoid. But it is so much more! It is the Lord’s law of health. When you live the Word of Wisdom, you invite the Spirit into your life and learn how to take care of your body. In return, the Lord promises you great blessings.

Goal Description

Live the Word of Wisdom.

Goal Ideas

  • Read Doctrine and Covenants 89:4, and think about what the verse teaches about why the Lord gave us the Word of Wisdom. Write down the impressions you receive.

  • Create a menu plan that includes the foods the Word of Wisdom says are good for you. Notice how your body feels after eating those foods regularly.

  • Plant a garden and learn how to grow, cook, and use foods that are mentioned in the Word of Wisdom.

  • Read in Doctrine and Covenants 89:18 about the blessings the Lord promises to those who keep the Word of Wisdom. If you have already noticed some of those blessings in your life, record them in your journal. What changes could you make in order to receive or experience these blessings more often?

  • Create your own goal.

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