Be Modest in Every Way

Be Modest in Every Way

young men and young women on a mountain


Modesty isn’t just about the way you dress. It’s a quality of your mind and heart that shows you are a true disciple of Jesus Christ. It also helps you attract wholesome friends.

Goal Description

Be modest in your dress, appearance, and behavior.

Goal Ideas

  • Learn about modesty by studying several items (your choice) in the Related Resources section below. What new understanding did you gain about modesty? What can you apply in your life? Write your insights and impressions in your journal.

  • Do you wonder sometimes about the importance of modesty? Take time to study, pray, and gain your own testimony of this principle.

  • Think back over the last week. In what ways was your dress, appearance, and behavior modest? Acknowledge what you did well. Do you see anything you’d like to improve? Set a goal to make a positive change.

  • Ask your Sunday School teacher or Mutual leader if you can present a lesson on modesty. You may want to do this with a friend. You can prepare the lesson using items in the Related Resources section below or other resources from or in the Gospel Library app.

  • Take a look at your clothing. Does it reflect your desire to follow the Savior? Throw out any clothing that is not modest or find a way to make it modest.

  • Create your own goal.

Related Resources

For the Strength of Youth

Courage to Choose Modesty (Ensign or Liahona)

Dare to Stand Alone (General Conference Message)

Modesty: More Than a Dress Code (Ensign)

Modesty (Gospel Topics)

How can I help others understand my standards? (Sunday School)

What are effective ways to share the gospel with others? (Sunday School)

How can I be in the world but not of the world? (Aaronic Priesthood)

How can I be in the world but not of the world? (Young Women)
