Give Sports a Sporting Chance

Give Sports a Sporting Chance

young men playing basketball


Sports can help you take care of your body while providing a chance to form new friendships, learn self-discipline, and have fun. You might find a healthy hobby that will last your lifetime.

Goal Description

Learn and participate in different sports.

Goal Ideas

  • Attend several different sporting events at your school or in your community. You might be surprised what looks fun and exciting once you see it in action!

  • Learn the rules of a sport you’re interested in trying. Try it yourself or gather family or friends to try it with you.

  • Ask your friends and family to play their favorite sports with you. It’s a great way to try out one you might want to learn, and it’s always nice to spend time with friends and family doing their favorite things.

  • Make a list of five team sports (such as basketball or soccer) and five sports you can do alone (like golf or jogging). Try at least one item from each list.

  • Join a sports team and commit to attending practices and games for the entire season, or for a length of time you set at the beginning.

  • Create your own goal.

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