Learning to Recognize and Follow the Spirit

Learning to Recognize and Follow the Spirit

young man


The Holy Ghost can guide us in every part of our lives (see 2 Nephi 32:5). So how do we learn to use this amazing gift? It takes faith and practice, but the rewards are worth it.


Set up a short obstacle course using simple items like tables and chairs. Blindfold participants. Have one adult represent the voice of the Spirit. Have one or two other adults represent worldly voices. Ask participants to determine which voice represents the Spirit, and then to follow that voice so they can navigate successfully through the obstacle course.

As you plan this activity, please follow the counsel given in chapter 13 of Handbook 2: Administering the Church (2010) and review “Safety Recommendations for Church Activities.”

More Ideas

  • A familiar voice—Before the activity, ask several youth or adults to hide behind a curtain or partition (do not let the participants see them hide). Ask each one to choose a favorite scripture to read. When the activity starts, have each hidden person read the scripture, then ask participants to identify each person. Help participants understand that just as we become familiar with the voices of friends and family, we can become familiar with the voice of the Spirit.

  • Things that always invite the Spirit—Certain activities are likely to help you feel the Spirit, such as scripture study, going to the temple, and listening to worthy music. As a group, choose a week during which each person will pay special attention to spiritual feelings and the activities that helped them be in tune with the Spirit. Participants could record their experiences and feelings in a journal. At the end of the week, consider having a testimony meeting where group members can share their experiences with recognizing and following the Spirit.

  • Hearing the Spirit through family history—As a group, choose a family history activity you would like to participate in, such as indexing, finding a name for temple service, or performing baptisms for the dead. Pay attention to any promptings you receive while doing the activity. What did you learn about how the Spirit speaks to you? Invite group members to share their feelings.

  • Learn how to ask—Have one person think of a person, place, or thing that would be familiar to most members of the group. The rest of the group then takes turns asking 20 yes or no questions to try and guess what the person is thinking of. After a few rounds of this game, discuss how asking the right kinds of questions was key to finding the correct answers.


Encourage participants to talk about what they are learning. Discussions can take place before, during, or after the activity. You could ask questions like the following:

  • Why do you think it is important to recognize and follow the Spirit?

  • When were you blessed by following a prompting from the Spirit?

  • What feelings or impressions do you have about recognizing and following the Holy Ghost?

  • How can you apply what you are learning in your life?

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