Prepare to Receive Priesthood Ordinances

Prepare to Receive Priesthood Ordinances

young man and young woman looking at temple ordinance cards


As you receive priesthood ordinances, the Lord promises that you will receive knowledge and spiritual power (see Doctrine and Covenants 84:19–20). With each ordinance, you take an important step toward eternal life.

Goal Description

Prepare diligently to receive priesthood ordinances.

Goal Ideas

  • Learn about each saving ordinance that is essential to your exaltation: baptism, confirmation, receiving the Melchizedek Priesthood (for men), the temple endowment, and temple sealing. Talk with your parents and church leaders about how you can prepare for your next ordinance.

  • If you are 12–18 years old, obtain a limited-use temple recommend to perform baptism and confirmation ordinances for the dead. Make a plan to attend the temple as often as you can. When you get closer to receiving your own temple ordinances, participate in a temple preparation class.

  • Study the oath and covenant of the priesthood (see Doctrine and Covenants 84) and learn about the Melchizedek Priesthood (see Doctrine and Covenants 107). For young men, think about how fulfilling Aaronic Priesthood duties prepares you for holding the Melchizedek Priesthood. For young women, think about your role in the work of the priesthood and how you can support the young men you know in fulfilling their priesthood duties.

  • Prepare for future covenants by keeping your baptismal covenants and participating worthily in the sacrament each week. During the sacrament, reflect on your baptismal covenants and think about ways you can follow the Savior more closely.

  • Create your own goal.

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