Random Acts of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness

young man doing yard work


Share the light of Christ and bring happiness to others by performing simple acts of service.


Identify some simple ways to show love and kindness to others. Then divide into small groups and perform as many random acts of kindness in a specified amount of time as you can. You could deliver treats to ward members, leave inspiring notes for others to find, hand out flowers, clean up trash, and so on. Afterwards, come back and share what you did, how you felt, and how your actions affected those you served.

More Ideas

  • Service competition—Make it a game by assigning points to different acts of service. For example, award three points for writing a letter to a missionary, two points for sharing an inspirational message on social media, and one point for sending someone a text telling them something you appreciate about them. Divide into groups and see which group can get the most points by the end of the activity.

  • Give them drink—Bring water bottles to a park. Consider taping kind or inspirational notes to each water bottle beforehand. Hand out the water to bikers, joggers, or people walking by.

  • Random compliments—Go with your group to a public place, such as a park, mall, or store. Divide into pairs and invite each pair to sincerely compliment at least five people. Come back together as a group and talk about your experiences.

  • Thank a protector—Police officers, firefighters, and soldiers put their lives at risk to protect us. Do something kind for them to show your gratitude—for example, write letters of appreciation, collect and deliver donations of needed items, make and send care packages, and so on.


Encourage participants to talk about what they are learning. Discussions can take place before, during, or after the activity. You could ask questions like the following:

  • Why do you think it is important to show kindness to others?

  • When have you experienced showing kindness to someone or having someone show kindness to you?

  • What thoughts or impressions do you have about doing random acts of kindness for others?

  • How can you apply what you are learning in your life?

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