Reaching Out to Neighbors from Other Countries

Reaching Out to Neighbors from Other Countries

group of youth walking


Show friendship to newcomers in your area, particularly those from other countries. Help them feel welcome in their new home and feel the Savior’s love through you.


Plan and host an event for one or more new families from other countries so you can spend time together and get to know each other. You could teach each other games from your respective countries and play the games together. You could also sample food from each other’s cultures or even have a full meal. If appropriate, invite newcomers to talk about their native culture and traditions. Be sure to invite a translator if one is needed.

More Ideas

  • Serve together—Plan and host a service project for members of your ward or branch and new families. Serving is a great way to build friendships while working together toward a common goal.

  • Collect goods—People moving to your area from other countries may not have the material goods they need. Work with local leaders and trusted community organizations to identify the needs of newcomers to your area. Hold a drive to collect items and then deliver them to those in need. Be respectful and avoid actions or comments that could be perceived as condescending. For more ideas, see “I Was a Stranger—An Effort to Help Refugees.”

  • Help other youth—Everyone needs a friend and someone to help them navigate new situations! Work with local leaders or other community organizations to identify youth from other countries who are new to your area. Host a fun night to get to know them. You might pair up each member of your group with a youth from another country. You could play fun games together, practice learning language skills, or help them with their homework.

  • Break through the language barrier—When someone arrives from another country, learning a new language can be a challenge. Help by volunteering with an organization that teaches your country’s language to non-natives, or offer to practice conversation skills with someone.


Encourage participants to talk about what they are learning. Discussions can take place before, during, or after the activity. You could ask questions like the following:

  • Why do you think it is important to befriend those who have come to your community from another country?

  • When have you experienced blessings from welcoming someone from a different culture?

  • What feelings or impressions do you have about getting to know those who are new to your area?

  • How can you apply what you are learning in your life?

Related Resources

Sabbath Day Lessons

