Searching for a Job

Searching for a Job

man reviewing a résumé


Learn best practices for finding and applying for job opportunities. Getting a job is an important step in becoming self-reliant and caring for yourself and your family.


Invite a stake or ward employment specialist to share strategies for finding employment. He or she might teach basic job-searching skills such as networking, interviewing, or writing résumés. The employment specialist might also share tips about how to dress or how to be calm and confident.

More Ideas

  • Practice networking—Using the Self-Reliance Services materials, encourage participants to create a “Me in 30 Seconds” statement which includes the following: (1) their name, (2) the job they want (objective), (3) why they would be good at that job (qualifications), and (4) some traits or skills that will help them succeed in that job. When everyone completes the statements, share them with the group, and learn how they can be used to network and create contacts. You might consider inviting potential employers to come and listen to your group.

  • Create a résumé—Learn about the information required on a résumé and how to customize the résumé for different types of jobs. Then invite participants to make their own résumés for a job that interests them. They could consider showing their résumés to a hiring or human resources manager and asking for feedback.

  • Application tips—Many employers ask potential employees to fill out job applications. Learn the best ways to fill out an application to appeal to potential employers. You might talk about checking your spelling and grammar, using action verbs to list your job-related skills, listing your work experience, and so forth. Consider handing out a sample incorrect job application and challenging each participant to find all the errors.

  • Practice interviewing—Encourage participants to dress up and then practice interviewing with the employment specialist and with each other.


Encourage participants to talk about what they are learning. Discussions can take place before, during, or after the activity. You could ask questions like the following:

  • Why do you think it is important to know how to search for a job?

  • How do you think the Spirit could help you in a job search?

  • What feelings or impressions do you have about job searching?

  • How can you apply what you are learning in your life?

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