Service Scavenger Hunt

Service Scavenger Hunt

youth doing yard work


Hold a service scavenger hunt and have fun with friends while serving others.


As a group, make a list of service items, such as taking out a neighbor’s garbage cans, cleaning up a yard, painting a fence, reading a book to a child, or writing a thank-you note. Assign points by level of difficulty, from simplest and fastest (fewer points) to hardest and most time-consuming (more points).

Now get out and serve! Divide into groups, with a leader or parent helping each group. Go to nearby homes, streets, or neighborhoods and see how many service items you can complete in your assigned area. Set a specific time to meet at the end and tally each group’s points. You could add options for getting bonus points such as doing additional service items that weren’t on the list, or adding a team member along the way.

As you plan this activity, please follow the counsel given in chapter 13 of Handbook 2: Administering the Church (2010) and review “Safety Recommendations for Church Activities.”

More Ideas

  • Leave positive notes or pictures—Earn a point for each note or picture you leave somewhere that can make somebody smile. For instance, you might use sidewalk chalk to draw a picture or write a positive note, or place a note on a car that says, “Have a great day.”

  • Secret service—Create a list of service activities that can be done in secret: treats on doorsteps, kind notes under windshield wipers, a few weeds plucked from a front yard, and so on. Assign a point value for accomplishing each task, and then double the points for those who don’t get caught!

  • Quality time—Serve others by spending time with them. Ask family members, friends, or members of your ward and community what favorite activities they like to do. Divide into small groups and spend time doing those activities with them. You will gain appreciation for others, and you may find some new things you like to do as well!

  • Go digital—Have you ever stopped to think just how many different ways you can serve with nothing more than a digital device? You can write to missionaries, say something kind on social media, send a friendly text, call and chat, call and sing a song (anything from a birthday song to a Church hymn), index and do other family history work, and many other things. Create point systems for various activities, and check a tally at the end of a week.


Encourage participants to talk about what they are learning. Discussions can take place before, during, or after the activity. You could ask questions like the following:

  • Why do you think it is important to serve others?

  • When have you felt the Spirit while serving someone else?

  • What feelings or impressions do you have about making service fun?

  • How can you apply what you are learning in your life?

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