Share the Gospel

Share the Gospel

young man sharing the gospel with another young man


The gospel of Jesus Christ is good news! Your example and testimony can bring that good news into others’ lives.

Goal Description

Share the good news of the gospel in natural and fun ways.

Goal Ideas

  • Every day for two weeks, take or draw a picture that represents one blessing you have because of the gospel. Share one or more of your blessings with others in a text message, a handwritten note, or on social media.

  • Practice talking about the gospel in everyday conversations. Talk to your friends about what you learned in seminary or church. Talk about your family or friends who are members. Add pictures of the temple or your family to your social media platforms. You never know what will spark someone’s interest!

  • Invite a friend to come with you to church or to a church activity, such as a Mutual activity, church sports, a dance, or a fireside.

  • In sacrament meeting, bear your testimony of Heavenly Father, the Savior, the Holy Ghost, the Book of Mormon, living prophets, or Joseph Smith’s calling to restore the gospel.

  • Help someone get started with family history. You could show them and help them set up a free account. You could even tell them about the temple and share your testimony of eternal families.

  • Create your own goal.

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