Share Your Skills

Share Your Skills

young man helping man and woman with family history


Teaching your skills and talents to others will make the world a better place. It is also a great way to serve others and build relationships. Plus, you’ll be surprised how much you can learn by sharing what you’re good at.

Goal Description

Teach one of your skills or talents to someone else.

Goal Ideas

  • Ask your family and friends to list several things they think you’re good at. Sometimes the first step in teaching a skill is realizing you have something to teach! Then practice teaching your skill to a family member or close friend. They may already know how to do what you’re teaching, but teaching itself is a skill that gets better with practice.

  • Approach a family member or friend and ask if they would teach you something you’d like to learn. Offer to do a “teaching trade” if they’d be interested.

  • With the help of your Church leaders, plan and carry out an activity where you can teach others a skill. Make sure that there is time for everyone to practice the skill and receive help as they try what they have learned.

  • Start a learning skills service club. Meet together regularly and take turns teaching things you’re good at. Think of ways you can use the new skills to serve and bless others. Then make it happen!

  • Create your own goal.

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