Staying Safe from Abuse

Staying Safe from Abuse

man, young man, and dog sitting


Abuse is “the treatment of others or self in a way that causes injury or offense” (see Abuse in Gospel Topics). The scriptures and prophets have taught clearly that abuse is wrong. This includes physical, verbal, sexual, emotional, and any other type of abuse. As you learn to recognize abuse and get help when it happens, you can help yourself and others stay safe.

Goal Description

Learn how to recognize and prevent abuse; if abuse happens, understand how to report it and get the help you need.

Goal Ideas

  • If you or someone you know is being abused, talk to a trusted adult.

  • Talk to a trusted adult, such as a parent, leader, or counselor, about how to protect yourself from abuse. Make a plan ahead of time so you are prepared if you find yourself in a potentially abusive situation.

  • Learn about safe touch and bad touch. Be courageous in rejecting touch that makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe. Tell a trusted adult when you feel unsafe.

  • Study the Atonement of Jesus Christ in the scriptures, Church magazines, and other resources. Learn about the role of His Atonement in healing abuse.

  • Create your own goal.

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