Study Like the Missionaries

Study Like the Missionaries

young women studying scriptures


Draw closer to the Lord and improve your gospel study by using missionary materials and study habits in your daily life.


Invite the full-time missionaries in your area to speak about gospel study and the importance of making it a habit before serving a mission. Have them share examples of how they relate their own studying to investigators they teach. They might speak at an activity or fireside.

More Ideas

  • Find answers to questions—Give each participant a piece of paper. Ask them to write down a question or challenge they are facing or that someone they know is facing. Put all the papers in a container, and then draw the papers out one by one. Work together as a group to find answers to each question in the scriptures.

  • Companionship study—Better prepare for a mission by practicing scripture study with a quorum member, friend, or family member. Be aware of spiritual impressions that you receive when teaching and learning from your companion.

  • Preach My Gospel—As a group, read the “Study Ideas and Suggestions” section in chapter 2 of Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Missionary Service (2004), 22–24. Make a list of study ideas missionaries use, such as beginning with a prayer, studying by topic, and writing questions and thoughts in a study journal. Next, divide the group into companionships and assign each pair to read a chapter of scripture. Have them choose a few study ideas from Preach My Gospel to use as they read. Consider having companions teach a short lesson on what they read to another pair or the whole group.

  • Scripture reading challenge—As a group, choose a set of scriptures to read by a certain date. Encourage participants to use missionary study habits by pondering, praying, or keeping a journal of spiritual impressions as they read. At the end of the challenge, consider giving awards or prizes to those who have met the goal.


Encourage participants to talk about what they are learning. Discussions can take place before, during, or after the activity. You could ask questions like the following:

  • Why do you think it is important to develop the kinds of study skills missionaries use?

  • When have you been blessed in the past as you have used similar study skills?

  • What feelings or impressions do you have about studying like the missionaries?

  • How can you apply what you are learning in your life?

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