Walking the Covenant Path

Walking the Covenant Path

youth in front of temple


The covenant path is your way back to your Heavenly Father. You’ll find peace and help in challenging times as you walk the covenant path and help others do the same.


Set up areas (tables or rooms) representing the ordinances along the covenant path (baptism and confirmation, sacrament, priesthood ordination, temple endowment, and temple sealing). Before the activity, assign two or three group members to be “hosts” at each area. Have them choose a way to help participants learn more about the covenants and promises associated with each ordinance. (See “Understanding Our Covenants with God” for ideas.) At the activity, have the group start at the first area and go through all the areas.

More Ideas

  • Guest speaker—Invite the full-time missionaries or a recently returned missionary to talk about their experience teaching people about making and keeping covenants. Invite participants to come prepared with questions or experiences to share about explaining covenants to a friend of another faith.

  • Role play—Divide participants into pairs and invite them to role-play scenarios such as the following:

    • You are a missionary teaching someone who believes in Jesus Christ but doesn’t want to join a church. She asks, “Why do I have to be baptized? Can’t I accept Jesus on my own and have it mean the same thing?”

    • Your friend is dating someone very seriously, and they’re talking about marriage. But the person he’s dating cannot go to the temple. Your friend asks your advice. What would you say?

    • Your brother was recently baptized. He wants to know more about the sacrament and renewing his covenants. What can you say to help him understand?

  • Remember—An important aspect of covenant-making is remembering. Have participants each bring a photo or memory from their baptism day or the first time they attended the temple. Share memories of the event. What is your next covenant? How will you prepare for it?

  • Help at a baptism—Ask your ward or stake Primary president how your group can help at the next child baptism. Volunteer to prepare the room, fill the font, play the prelude music, or help in any other way. Try to remember your own baptism as you attend the baptismal service.


Encourage participants to talk about what they are learning. Discussions can take place before, during, or after the activity. You could ask questions like the following:

  • What is a covenant?

  • Why do you think it is important to understand and keep your covenants?

  • When have you been blessed by keeping your covenants?

  • What feelings or impressions do you have about the covenants you have made or will make in the future?

  • How can you apply what you are learning in your life?

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