garments of righteous made white in blood of the Lamb, 1 Ne. 12:10 (Ether 13:10).
abominable church to be drunk with own blood, 1 Ne. 22:13 (2 Ne. 6:18).
blood of Saints to cry up to God, 2 Ne. 26:3 (28:10; 3 Ne. 9:5–9, 11, 19; Morm. 8:27; Ether 8:22).
the Lord’s servants magnify offices, that people’s blood might not come upon their garments, Jacob 1:19 (Mosiah 2:27–28).
Lamanites drink blood of beasts, Jarom 1:6.
Christ will suffer so greatly that blood will come from every pore, Mosiah 3:7.
Christ’s blood atones for sins of those who have fallen by Adam’s transgression or sinned ignorantly, Mosiah 3:11.
apply the atoning blood of Christ, Mosiah 4:2.
God will take upon him flesh and blood, Mosiah 7:27.
garments cleansed from stain through blood of him who comes to redeem his people, Alma 5:21.
how will ye feel to stand before God having garments stained with blood, Alma 5:22.
blood of innocent shall stand as witness against people of Ammonihah, Alma 14:11.
blood of the Son to be shed for atonement of sins, Alma 24:13.
no man can sacrifice own blood to atone for another’s sins, Alma 34:11.
blood will be found upon skirts of murderer’s cloak, Hel. 9:31.
the Lord avenges blood of Saints, 3 Ne. 9:5, 7–9, 11, 19 (Morm. 8:41; Ether 8:22).
wine in remembrance of the Lord’s blood, 3 Ne. 18:11 (20:8; Moro. 5:2).
unworthy are not to partake of the Lord’s blood unless they repent, 3 Ne. 18:28–30.
only those who wash garments in the Lord’s blood enter his rest, 3 Ne. 27:19.
finger of the Lord appears like unto flesh and blood, Ether 3:6, 8–9.
garments of those in New Jerusalem made white in blood of the Lamb, Ether 13:10.
manner of administering flesh and blood of the Lord, Moro. 4:1–5:2.
men are sanctified through shedding of blood of Christ, Moro. 10:33.