Nephi1 has never shed blood of man, 1 Ne. 4:10.
Lehi1 predicts bloodshed and great visitations, 2 Ne. 1:12.
they who believe not in Christ will be destroyed by bloodshed, 2 Ne. 6:15.
because of Jews’ iniquities, bloodshed shall come upon them, 2 Ne. 10:6.
blood of the innocent shall stand as witness against wicked, Mosiah 17:10 (Alma 14:11).
converted Lamanites refuse to stain swords with blood of brethren, Alma 24:12–13, 15, 18.
blood of the Son to be shed for atonement of sins, Alma 24:13.
converted Lamanites bury all weapons used for shedding of blood, Alma 24:17–18.
shedding of blood to stop after last and great sacrifice, Alma 34:13.
shedding of innocent blood more abominable than whoredom, Alma 39:3–5.
ye shall defend your families even unto bloodshed, Alma 43:47.
Moroni1 does not delight in bloodshed, Alma 48:11 (55:19).
Nephites taught to defend themselves against enemies, even to shedding of blood, Alma 48:14.
Nephites do not delight in shedding of blood, Alma 48:23.
Amalickiah has sworn to drink blood of Moroni1, Alma 51:9.
converted Lamanites to take oath never to shed blood, Alma 53:11.
Nephites will resist wickedness even unto bloodshed, Alma 61:10.
blood will be found upon skirts of murderer’s cloak, Hel. 9:31.
those who did not shed blood of Saints are spared, 3 Ne. 10:12.
wine in remembrance of blood which Christ shed for men, 3 Ne. 18:11 (Moro. 5:2).
men are sanctified through shedding of Christ’s blood, Moro. 10:33.