Confess See also Acknowledge; Confession of Sins; TG Confess Sherem confessed Christ, Jacob 7:17. every nation shall confess before God that his judgments are just, Mosiah 16:1. the Lord will confess he never knew those who never knew him, Mosiah 26:27 (Matt. 7:23). every tongue shall confess before the Redeemer, Mosiah 27:31. if a man is meek and confesses Christ, he must have charity, Moro. 7:44. Saints confess sins to their brethren on the Lord’s day, D&C 59:12. those offend God who confess not his hand, D&C 59:21. every knee shall bow and every tongue confess, D&C 76:110 (88:104). the Lord’s servant to confess him before world, D&C 124:18.