Confession of Sins See also Confess; Forgive; Humble; Repentance; TG Confession; BD Confession transgressor who confesses his sins shall be forgiven, Mosiah 26:29, 35. those who do not confess sins are not numbered among Church, Mosiah 26:36 (Moro. 6:7). by power of words of sons of Mosiah2 many Lamanites confess sins, Alma 17:4. Nephites come to knowledge of error and confess faults, 3 Ne. 1:25. confess your sins, lest you suffer punishments, D&C 19:20. if offender confesses, thou shalt be reconciled, D&C 42:88. offenders who confess not will be delivered to law of God, D&C 42:91. those who offend in secret will be given opportunity to confess in secret, D&C 42:92. if man repents of sins, he will confess them, D&C 58:43. the Lord forgives those who confess sins with humble hearts, D&C 61:2 (64:7). he who does not repent and confess will be brought before Church, D&C 64:12.