Consume, Consuming, Consumption See also Devour; Eat Nephi1 is filled with power of God, even unto consuming of flesh, 1 Ne. 17:48. churches built up for gain will be consumed as stubble, 1 Ne. 22:23. God has filled Nephi1 with his love, even unto consuming of flesh, 2 Ne. 4:21. wicked shall be consumed, 2 Ne. 26:6. loss of slain well nigh consumes Nephi1 before presence of the Lord, 2 Ne. 26:7. scorner is consumed, 2 Ne. 27:31. tree that bringeth not forth good fruit will be cast into fire which cannot be consumed, Alma 5:52. inhabitants of earth to be consumed by brightness of the Lord’s coming, D&C 5:19. heaven and earth to be consumed after Millennium, D&C 29:23. scorner shall be consumed, D&C 45:50. men should not ask for sign to consume it upon their lusts, D&C 46:9. wicked to be consumed with unquenchable fire, D&C 63:34. consumption decreed shall make full end of all nations, D&C 87:6. hearts to be turned lest all flesh be consumed, D&C 98:17. every corruptible thing to be consumed, D&C 101:24.