account of contentions of people engraven on other plates, 1 Ne. 9:4 (19:4).
Nephi1 beholds many generations pass away after manner of wars and contentions, 1 Ne. 12:3 (Jarom 1:13).
the Lord will contend with him who contends with Israel, 1 Ne. 21:25 (2 Ne. 6:17; Isa. 49:25).
several generations after Christ’s visit, wars and contentions arise, 2 Ne. 26:2 (4 Ne. 1:24–39).
the Lord commands that men not contend one with another, 2 Ne. 26:32.
churches shall contend one with another, 2 Ne. 28:4.
Mulekites had had many wars and serious contentions, Omni 1:17.
Benjamin had somewhat of contentions among his own people, W of M 1:12.
beware lest contentions arise among you, Mosiah 2:32.
Laman2 stirs up Lamanites to wars and contentions with people of Zeniff, Mosiah 9:13.
Alma1 commands no contention among Church members, Mosiah 18:21.
Mosiah2 fears that giving kingdom to someone other than son might raise contentions, Mosiah 29:7.
people have much dispute and wonderful contentions regarding Amlici, Alma 2:5.
great contentions arise among people of Church, Alma 4:9.
contention regarding Ammon2 among household of Lamanite king, Alma 19:28.
Amulek admonishes people not to contend against the Holy Ghost, Alma 34:38.
contention among Nephites concerning land of Lehi, Alma 50:25.
critical time for contentions because Amalickiah stirs up Lamanites, Alma 51:9.
Satan spreads rumors and contentions, Hel. 16:22.
wars and contentions throughout land because of Gadianton robbers, 3 Ne. 2:11.
devil is father of contention, stirs up men to contend with anger, 3 Ne. 11:29.
no contentions in land because of love of God, 4 Ne. 1:2, 13, 15, 18.
he who contends against word of the Lord will be accursed, Ether 4:8.
wars and contentions among Jaredites because of wicked combinations, Ether 11:7.