Continue, Continuation See also Endure; Eternal Life; Exaltation; Faint; Increase; Perseverance continue in path until end of day of probation, 2 Ne. 33:9. continue in way which is narrow, Jacob 6:11. people to know God’s decrees, that they may not continue in iniquities, Ether 2:11. if ye continue, gates of hell shall not prevail, D&C 33:13. he who receives light and continues in God receives more light, D&C 50:24. continue in these things even unto end, D&C 66:12. continue in patience until ye are perfected, D&C 67:13. continuation of seeds forever, D&C 132:19. narrow is way to exaltation and continuation of lives, D&C 132:22. prophets, faithful elders continue labors after this life, D&C 138:52, 57. right of priesthood to continue in Abraham’s seed, Abr. 2:11.