Joseph1 preserved by hand of the Lord, 1 Ne. 5:14.
the Lord will lift up his hand to Gentiles, 1 Ne. 21:22 (2 Ne. 6:6; Isa. 49:22).
land covenanted unto all those led out of other countries by hand of the Lord, 2 Ne. 1:5.
none shall come into land save they who were brought by hand of the Lord, 2 Ne. 1:6 (Omni 1:16).
they receive great blessings from hand of the Lord, 2 Ne. 1:10 (Alma 9:23).
instrument in hands of the Lord, 2 Ne. 1:24 (Mosiah 23:10; Alma 1:8; 2:30; 17:9; 26:3; 29:9; 35:14).
compass prepared for Lehi1 by hand of the Lord, 2 Ne. 5:12 (Mosiah 1:16).
is the Lord’s hand shortened that it cannot redeem, 2 Ne. 7:2 (Isa. 50:2).
Jerusalem has drunk at hand of the Lord cup of his fury, 2 Ne. 8:17.
the Lord’s hand is outstretched still, 2 Ne. 15:25 (19:12, 21; 20:4; Isa. 5:25; 9:12, 21; 10:4).
the Lord shall set his hand second time to recover his people, 2 Ne. 21:11 (25:17; 29:1; Jacob 6:2; Isa. 11:11).
churches shall deny miracle wrought by hand of the Lord, 2 Ne. 28:6.
has the Lord slackened his hand that he has not nourished his vineyard, Jacob 5:47.
the Lord stretches forth his hands unto house of Israel all day long, Jacob 6:4.
prophecies delivered to fathers by hand of the Lord, Mosiah 1:2.
Benjamin made ruler by hand of the Lord, Mosiah 2:11.
records preserved by hand of the Lord, Mosiah 28:15 (Alma 37:4).
Nephites strengthened by hand of the Lord, Alma 2:28.
Nephites delivered out of Jerusalem by hand of the Lord, Alma 9:22.
converted Lamanites are in hands of the Lord, Alma 26:3, 7.
Alma2 buried by hand of the Lord, Alma 45:19.
Nephites delivered by hand of the Lord, Alma 46:7.
no happier people among all created by hand of God, 4 Ne. 1:16.
know ye not that ye are in hands of the Lord, Morm. 5:23.
records had been entrusted to Mormon2 by hand of the Lord, Morm. 6:6.
hand of the Lord has brought destruction on Nephites, Morm. 8:8.
none can stay hand of the Lord, Morm. 8:26.
Jaredites destroyed by hand of the Lord, Ether 1:1.
Jaredites continually directed by hand of the Lord, Ether 2:6.
the Lord stretches forth his hand and touches stones with finger, Ether 3:6.
Jaredites blessed and prospered by hand of the Lord, Ether 10:28.