laying on of hands for baptism of fire, D&C 20:41, 43, 68.
teachers and deacons do not have authority to lay on hands, D&C 20:58.
confirmed by laying on of hands, D&C 20:68 (33:15).
instruction to precede laying on of hands, D&C 20:68.
elders to lay hands upon children for blessing, D&C 20:70.
continue in laying on of hands, D&C 24:9.
receive the Holy Ghost by laying on of hands, D&C 25:8 (33:15; 35:6; 39:23; 49:14; 53:3; 55:3; 68:25; 76:52; 138:33).
the Lord will lay hand upon Edward Partridge by hand of his servant, D&C 36:2.
elders shall lay hands upon sick, D&C 42:44 (66:9).
elders to baptize and lay on hands by water’s side, D&C 52:10.
lineage to be ascertained by revelation from the Lord under hands of Presidency, D&C 68:21.
children to receive laying on of hands after baptism, D&C 68:27.
priesthood received by laying on of hands, D&C 84:6–16 (107:44).
from President of High Priesthood comes administering of ordinances and blessings upon Church, by laying on of hands, D&C 107:67.