Immersion, Immerse See also Baptism; Water; TG Baptism, Immersion Alma1 and Helam are buried in water in baptism, Mosiah 18:14. Alma1 baptizes by burying in water, Mosiah 18:14–16. during baptism, disciples should immerse person in water, 3 Ne. 11:26. Nephi3 goes down into water to baptize, 3 Ne. 19:11–13. baptism by immersion, D&C 13 (20:74). celestial heirs were baptized, being buried in water after manner of Christ’s burial, D&C 76:51. baptism by immersion to answer likeness of dead, D&C 128:12. Adam is laid under water, Moses 6:64. baptism by immersion for remission of sins, one of first ordinances of gospel, A of F 1:4.