Immortality, Immortal See also Body; Death, Physical; Eternal Life; Incorruptible; Jesus Christ, Resurrection of; Life; Live [verb]; Mortal; Redemption; Resurrection; TG Immortality all men shall become immortal, 2 Ne. 9:13. when men have become immortal, they must appear before judgment-seat, 2 Ne. 9:15. mortal must put on immortality, Enos 1:27 (Mosiah 16:10; Alma 5:15; 12:12; 41:4; Morm. 6:21). mortal body to be raised to immortal body, Alma 11:45. mortal does not put on immortality until after Christ’s coming, Alma 40:2. Three Nephites shall be changed in twinkling of eye from mortality to immortality, 3 Ne. 28:8, 17. by natural death man may be raised in immortality unto eternal life, D&C 29:43. souls of those who come unto the Lord shall live, D&C 45:46. those who rise from dead shall not die after, D&C 63:49. faithful to be crowned with immortality, D&C 75:5 (81:6; 124:55; 138:51). earth in its sanctified, immortal state, D&C 77:1 (130:9). sanctified will not any more see death, D&C 88:116. every man shall enter God’s immortal rest, D&C 121:32. glorious voice from heaven proclaiming immortality and eternal life, D&C 128:23. God’s work and glory, to bring to pass immortality and eternal life of man, Moses 1:39.