Jesus Christ, Types of See also Type; TG Jesus Christ, Types of, in Anticipation; Jesus Christ, Types of, in Memory law of Moses given as type pointing to Christ, 2 Ne. 11:4 (Jacob 4:5; Mosiah 13:30–31; 16:14; Alma 25:15; 34:14; Gal. 3:24; Heb. 10:1). all things given of God from beginning typify Christ, 2 Ne. 11:4. Abraham’s offering up of Isaac is similitude of God and the Son, Jacob 4:5. the Lord showed his people many types of his coming, Mosiah 3:15. serpent raised in wilderness a type of Christ, Alma 33:19–21 (1 Ne. 17:41; 2 Ne. 25:20; Hel. 8:14–15; Num. 21:8–9). working of Liahona a type of word of Christ, Alma 37:38–46. bread and wine of sacrament to be taken in remembrance of body and blood of Christ, 3 Ne. 18:7, 11. bread and wine are emblems of Christ’s flesh and blood, D&C 20:40 (27:2). glory of sun is typical of glory of God, D&C 76:70. baptismal font instituted as similitude of grave, D&C 128:13. offering of sacrifice is in similitude of great sacrifice of the Son, D&C 138:13. sacrifice of firstlings of flock is similitude of sacrifice of the Only Begotten, Moses 5:5–7. all things have their likeness, are made to bear record of God, Moses 6:63.