book written to convincing of Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, title page of the Book of Mormon (2 Ne. 26:12).
language of Lehi1 consists of learning of Jews and language of Egyptians, 1 Ne. 1:2.
Jews mock Lehi1, 1 Ne. 1:19–20.
Jews seek to kill Lehi1, 1 Ne. 2:13 (17:44).
Laban has record of Jews, 1 Ne. 3:3 (5:6).
Zoram1 speaks to Nephi1 concerning elders of Jews, 1 Ne. 4:22–37.
people of Lehi1 do not want Jews to know of flight, 1 Ne. 4:36.
brass plates contain record of Jews down to Zedekiah1, 1 Ne. 5:12 (Omni 1:14; Ether 1:3).
Lehi1 speaks to family about Jews, 1 Ne. 10:2–4.
the Lord will raise up a Messiah among Jews, 1 Ne. 10:4.
Jews to hear gospel, dwindle in unbelief, 1 Ne. 10:11.
book containing record of Jews, covenants of the Lord to come from Jews, 1 Ne. 13:23–24, 38 (14:23; 2 Ne. 29:4–13).
gospel goes forth in purity from Jews to Gentiles, 1 Ne. 13:25–26 (Morm. 7:8).
Jews to be scattered, 1 Ne. 13:39 (2 Ne. 25:15; 30:7).
the Lamb shall be manifest to Jews, then Gentiles, to Gentiles, then Jews, 1 Ne. 13:42.
the Lord will be rejected of Jews, 1 Ne. 15:17 (2 Ne. 25:18).
Nephi1 rehearses words of Isaiah1 concerning restoration of Jews, 1 Ne. 15:19–20.
the Lord has spoken unto Jews by mouth of prophets, 2 Ne. 9:2.
Christ to come among Jews, for no other nation would crucify their God, 2 Ne. 10:3 (4 Ne. 1:31; Morm. 7:5).
he who fights against Zion, both Jew and Gentile, will perish, 2 Ne. 10:16.
difficulty of understanding manner of prophesying among Jews, 2 Ne. 25:1, 5–6.
Nephi1 has not taught many things concerning manner of Jews, for their works were works of darkness, 2 Ne. 25:2.
Jews have been destroyed from generation to generation according to iniquities, 2 Ne. 25:9.
all are alike unto God, both Gentile and Jew, 2 Ne. 26:33.
in last days all nations of Gentiles and Jews shall be drunken with iniquity, 2 Ne. 27:1.
O Gentiles, have ye remembered Jews, 2 Ne. 29:5.
Jews who will not repent shall be cast off, 2 Ne. 30:2.
remnant of Nephites’ seed shall know they are descendants of Jews, 2 Ne. 30:4.
Nephi1 has charity for Jews, whence he came, 2 Ne. 33:8.
Nephi1 admonishes Jews to believe in Christ, 2 Ne. 33:10.
words of Jews will condemn those who do not accept them, 2 Ne. 33:14.
Jews stiffnecked people, Jacob 4:14.
by stumbling of Jews, they will reject stone upon which they might build safe foundation, Jacob 4:15–17.
Nephites do not reckon after manner of Jews, Alma 11:4.
synagogues built after manner of Jews, Alma 16:13.
so great faith have I never seen among all Jews, 3 Ne. 19:35.
Three Nephites will be among Jews, 3 Ne. 28:28.
Gentiles need no longer spurn or make game of Jews, 3 Ne. 29:8.
Jews shall have other witnesses that Jesus, whom they slew, is the Christ, Morm. 3:21.
writings shall go unto unbelieving of Jews, Morm. 5:12, 14.