Laban—custodian of brass plates [c. 600 B.C.] See also Plates, Brass has record of Jews, 1 Ne. 3:3. sons of Lehi1 sent to get records from, 1 Ne. 3:4–11. refuses to give up record, 1 Ne. 3:12–14. takes sons’ property without giving plates of brass, 1 Ne. 3:25–26. to be delivered into sons’ hands, 1 Ne. 3:29–4:3. is slain by Nephi1, 1 Ne. 4:7–18. sword of, 1 Ne. 4:9, 18–19, 21 (2 Ne. 5:14; Jacob 1:10; W of M 1:13; Mosiah 1:16). descendant of Joseph1, 1 Ne. 5:16.