labor which Israelites had to perform to be healed was to look, 1 Ne. 17:41.
Nephi1 causes his people to labor with hands, 2 Ne. 5:17.
do not labor for that which cannot satisfy, 2 Ne. 9:51.
do Gentiles remember labors of Jews, 2 Ne. 29:4.
by laboring with our might their blood should not come upon our garments, Jacob 1:19.
servants called to labor in vineyard, Jacob 5:15, 29, 61–62, 71.
Benjamin has labored with his hands to serve his people, Mosiah 2:14.
six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work, Mosiah 13:17 (Ex. 20:9).
priests should labor with own hands for their support, Mosiah 18:24 (27:5; Alma 1:26).
every man should labor with own hands for his support, Mosiah 27:4.
Nehor claims priests ought not labor with hands, Alma 1:3, 12.
Alma2 labored much in spirit, wrestling with God in mighty prayer, Alma 8:10.
converted Lamanites covenant to labor abundantly with hands rather than spend days in idleness, Alma 24:18.
missionaries have labored exceedingly and brought forth much fruit, Alma 29:15.
Korihor accuses priests of glutting on people’s labors, Alma 30:31.
Alma2 has labored with own hands for support, Alma 30:32.
if we receive nothing for labors in Church, what doth it profit us to labor in Church save to declare truth, Alma 30:34.
this life is day for men to perform labors, Alma 34:32.
Alma2 has labored, without ceasing, to bring souls unto repentance, Alma 36:24.
the Lord gives joy in fruit of labors, Alma 36:25.
if we cease to labor, we should be brought under condemnation, Moro. 9:6.