Observe See also Obedience; Perform when Christ manifests himself in flesh, ye shall observe to do things he shall say, 2 Ne. 32:6. because Lamanites observe commandment to have only one wife, the Lord will not destroy them, Jacob 3:5–6. Israelites given law of performances to observe, Mosiah 13:30. Alma1 commands his people to observe Sabbath day, Mosiah 18:23. Alma2 commands people to observe words he has spoken, Alma 5:61. Nephites observe law of putting to death king-men who do not take up arms in defense of country, Alma 62:9–10. Christ commands disciples to observe sacrament, 3 Ne. 18:6. observe covenants and Church articles to do them, D&C 42:13. he who observes not his prayers should be had in remembrance before judge, D&C 68:33. those who are willing to observe their covenants by sacrifice are accepted of the Lord, D&C 97:8. observe to uphold good men and wise men, D&C 98:10. by hearkening to observe all the Lord’s words, Saints shall never cease to prevail, D&C 103:7. those who gather unto land of Zion shall observe law of tithing, D&C 119:5.