Obtain See also Attain; Receive promise which Joseph1 has obtained of the Lord shall be fulfilled, 2 Ne. 3:14. devil hath obtained me, 2 Ne. 9:46. Jacob2 obtained his errand from the Lord, Jacob 1:17. after ye have obtained hope in Christ ye shall obtain riches, Jacob 2:19. secret combinations obtain sole management of government, Hel. 6:39. ye have sought all the days of your lives for that which ye could not obtain, Hel. 13:38. brother of Jared2 obtained word by faith, Ether 12:20. peaceable followers of Christ have obtained sufficient hope to enter his rest, Moro. 7:3. obtain word before declaring it, D&C 11:21. if Saints are not equal in earthly things, they cannot be equal in obtaining heavenly things, D&C 78:6. he who obtains two priesthoods enters oath and covenants of priesthood, D&C 84:33. those who worship in temple will be prepared to obtain every needful thing, D&C 109:15.