Lehi1 speaks with power, 1 Ne. 2:14 (10:17).
Lehi1 received power by faith on the Son, 1 Ne. 10:17.
power of the Holy Ghost is gift of God unto all who diligently seek him, 1 Ne. 10:17.
the Spirit is so powerful, brothers fear they should wither, 1 Ne. 17:52.
Satan shall have no more power over hearts of men, 1 Ne. 22:15.
churches built up to get power over flesh shall be brought low, 1 Ne. 22:23.
because of righteousness of people, Satan has no power, 1 Ne. 22:26.
elder brothers accuse Nephi1 of seeking power and authority over them, 2 Ne. 1:25.
may God raise you from death by power of Resurrection and from everlasting death by power of Atonement, 2 Ne. 10:25.
angels speak by power of the Holy Ghost, 2 Ne. 32:3.
when man speaks by power of the Holy Ghost, power of the Holy Ghost carries it unto hearts, 2 Ne. 33:1.
ye may obtain a resurrection according to power of resurrection which is in Christ, Jacob 4:11.
Sherem’s knowledge of language enables him to use much power of speech, Jacob 7:4.
Sherem confesses he was deceived by power of devil, Jacob 7:18.
many holy men in land speak word of God with power and authority, W of M 1:17.
man may have great power given him of God, Mosiah 8:16.
Abinadi speaks with power and authority from God, Mosiah 13:6.
devil has power over wicked, Mosiah 16:3 (Alma 34:35).
Amulon given no power to do anything contrary to will of Lamanite king, Mosiah 23:39.
Mosiah2 gives Alma1 power to ordain priests and teachers, Mosiah 25:19.
law could have no power over any man for his belief, Alma 1:17.
evil shall reap damnation according to power of devil, Alma 9:28.
adversary exercises power in Zeezrom, Alma 12:5.
sons of Mosiah2 teach with power and authority, Alma 17:3.
Ammon2 has power to do many mighty works in God’s name, Alma 19:4.
devil has power over Korihor, Alma 30:42.
preaching of word has more powerful effect than sword, Alma 31:5.
same spirit that possesses body at death shall have power to possess it in eternal world, Alma 34:34.
lower judges seek for power by declaring king, Alma 46:4.
Amalickiah obtains power by fraud and deceit, Alma 48:7.
if all men were like Moroni1, powers of hell would be broken and devil would have no power, Alma 48:17.
Moroni1 seeks not for power, but to pull it down, Alma 60:36.
word is quick and powerful, Hel. 3:29.
many preach with great power and authority, Hel. 6:5.
Gadianton robbers usurp power and authority of land, Hel. 7:4.
people imagine signs are wrought by men and power of devil, 3 Ne. 2:2.
cause of iniquity is that Satan has great power, 3 Ne. 6:15 (7:5).
Nephi3 ministers with power and great authority, 3 Ne. 7:17.
Jesus gives disciples power to baptize, 3 Ne. 11:21–22.
Gentiles shall not have power over Israel, 3 Ne. 16:12.
Jesus gives disciples power to bestow the Holy Ghost, 3 Ne. 18:37 (Moro. 2).
Three Nephites are changed, that Satan should have no power over them and powers of earth could not hold them, 3 Ne. 28:39.
wo unto him who says the Lord no longer works by power of the Holy Ghost, 3 Ne. 29:6.
secret combinations were kept up by power of devil, Ether 8:16.
nation that upholds secret combinations to get power shall be destroyed, Ether 8:22.
combinations built up to get power and gain, Ether 8:23 (11:15).
Moroni2 writes, that Satan may have no power over men, Ether 8:26.
God has made prophets’ words powerful, Ether 12:25.
Satan has full power over hearts of people, Ether 15:19.
if man confesses by power of the Holy Ghost that Jesus is the Christ, he must have charity, Moro. 7:44.
curse of Adam has no power over little children, Moro. 8:8.
by power of the Holy Ghost ye may know truth of all things, Moro. 10:4–5.