for praise of world abominable church destroys Saints, 1 Ne. 13:9.
Nephi1 praises God all day long, 1 Ne. 18:16.
Jacob2 will praise holy name of God, 2 Ne. 9:49.
praise the Lord, call upon his name, 2 Ne. 22:4.
priestcraft is to preach to get praise of world, 2 Ne. 26:29.
if you surrender all praise to God, yet would ye be unprofitable servants, Mosiah 2:20–21.
converted Lamanites praised God in very act of perishing under sword, Alma 24:23.
let us sing to God’s praise, Alma 26:8.
Zoramites2 pray to be praised of men, Alma 38:13.
why are ye ashamed to take upon you the name of Christ, to get praise of world, Morm. 8:38.
brother of Jared2 did sing praises to the Lord, Ether 6:9.