Purify See also Cleanse; Fire; Purge; Purifier; Purity; Refine; Sanctification; Wash apply atoning blood of Christ, that hearts may be purified, Mosiah 4:2. no man can be saved except his garments are purified, Alma 5:21. Saints fast and pray oft, even unto purifying of their hearts, Hel. 3:35. disciples have been purified and those who believe their words shall be purified, 3 Ne. 19:28–29. pray unto the Father that we may be purified even as he is pure, Moro. 7:48. he who is not purified shall not abide day, D&C 38:8. no man to possess all things unless purified, D&C 50:28. if ye are purified, ask whatsoever you will and it shall be done, D&C 50:29. the Holy Spirit bestowed on those who purify themselves, D&C 76:116. purify your hearts, D&C 88:74 (112:28). the Lord will purify sons of Levi to offer an offering, D&C 128:24. fire to burn trees to purify vineyard of corruption, D&C 135:6.