gospel goes forth in purity from Jews to Gentiles, 1 Ne. 13:25.
sealed writings shall come forth in purity, 1 Ne. 14:26.
righteous shall have perfect knowledge of their righteousness, being clothed in purity, 2 Ne. 9:14.
would I harrow up your souls if your minds were pure, 2 Ne. 9:47.
when Jews worship the Father with pure hearts and clean hands, they will believe in Christ, 2 Ne. 25:16.
Lamanites to be pure and delightsome, 2 Ne. 30:6.
ye who are pure in heart, receive word of God, Jacob 3:2.
Alma2 sees no way to reclaim his people save in bearing down in pure testimony against them, Alma 4:19.
can ye look up to God with pure heart and clean hands, Alma 5:19.
priests, being pure and spotless before God, could not look upon sin without abhorrence, Alma 13:12.
word of God is preached in purity in all land, Alma 16:21.
fruit of word is pure above all that is pure, Alma 32:42.
blessed are pure in heart, for they shall see God, 3 Ne. 12:8 (Matt. 5:8).
cry unto the Father that ye may be found pure, Morm. 9:6.
charity is pure love of Christ, Moro. 7:47.
pray unto the Father that we may be purified even as he is pure, Moro. 7:48.