Purpose See also Desire; End; Intent; Reason; Will plates made for special purpose, 1 Ne. 9:3, 5 (19:3; W of M 1:7; Alma 37:2, 12, 14, 18). without opposition there would have been no purpose in end of its creation, 2 Ne. 2:11–12. the Lord brings about his eternal purposes, 2 Ne. 2:15 (Alma 37:7; 42:26; Morm. 8:22). follow the Son with full purpose of heart, 2 Ne. 31:13. turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart, Mosiah 7:33. judges stir up people for sole purpose to get gain, Alma 11:20. come unto Christ with full purpose of heart, 3 Ne. 10:6 (12:24; 18:32; Acts 11:23). the Father brings about eternal purpose through the Son, Morm. 5:14. the Lord has reserved sacred things for wise purpose, D&C 5:9 (61:35). rely upon the Lord’s word with full purpose of heart, D&C 17:1 (18:27–28). Twelve to take upon themselves the Lord’s name with full purpose of heart, D&C 18:27–28. Lord’s purposes fail not, D&C 76:3. the Lord will reveal purpose and end of earth, D&C 101:33. the Lord has made these things for his own purpose, Moses 1:31.