bread and wine are emblems of Christ’s flesh and blood, D&C 20:40, 75–79 (27:1–5).
sacrament is administered by priest, D&C 20:46, 76.
teachers and deacons have no authority to administer sacrament, D&C 20:58.
members to be taught before partaking of sacrament, D&C 20:68.
partake of sacrament frequently, D&C 20:75.
prayer on bread, D&C 20:77.
prayer on wine, D&C 20:79.
revelation on sacrament, D&C 27.
matters not what you eat or drink, D&C 27:2.
remember the Lord’s body and blood, D&C 27:2.
transgressors not to partake of sacrament until reconciliation is made, D&C 46:4.
admission to sacrament meetings, D&C 46:5.
go to house of prayer and offer up sacraments upon the Lord’s holy day, D&C 59:9, 12.
elders to offer sacrament unto the Most High, D&C 62:4.
Saints should drink wine only when offering sacraments before the Lord, D&C 89:5.
inner court of house to be dedicated unto the Lord for sacrament offering, D&C 95:16.