the Lord’s Spirit shall not always strive with man, D&C 1:33.
the Spirit bears record, D&C 1:39 (59:24).
manifestation of the Spirit depends on faith, D&C 5:16.
those who believe will be born of the Spirit, D&C 5:16.
those who inquire receive instruction of the Spirit, D&C 6:14.
thou hast been enlightened by the Spirit of truth, D&C 6:15.
this is spirit of revelation, D&C 8:3.
put trust in that Spirit which leads to do good, D&C 11:12.
the Spirit shall enlighten mind, fill soul with joy, D&C 11:13 (84:46).
appeal unto my Spirit, D&C 11:18.
after obtaining word, elders shall have the Lord’s Spirit, D&C 11:21.
truth of things written manifested by the Spirit, D&C 18:2.
word of God given by the Spirit, D&C 18:2–3, 35, 47 (75:1; 97:1).
punishments tasted when the Spirit is withdrawn, D&C 19:20.
walk in meekness of my Spirit, D&C 19:23.
pray always, and I will pour out my Spirit, D&C 19:38.
candidates for baptism must manifest they have received of the Spirit of Christ, D&C 20:37.
those who partake of sacrament shall have Spirit, D&C 20:77, 79.
expound scriptures as given by the Spirit, D&C 25:7.
take sword of my Spirit, D&C 27:18.
the Lord created all things by power of his Spirit, D&C 29:30–31.
power of the Spirit quickens all things, D&C 33:16.
the Lord calls upon the weak things of the world to thresh nations by power of the Spirit, D&C 35:13.
go forth in power of the Spirit, preaching gospel, D&C 42:6.
teach as directed by the Spirit, D&C 42:13 (43:15).
the Spirit given by prayer of faith, D&C 42:14 (63:64).
if ye receive not the Spirit, ye shall not teach, D&C 42:14.
he who looks upon woman to lust shall not have the Spirit, D&C 42:23 (63:16).
wise have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide, D&C 45:57.
elders to conduct meetings as guided by the Holy Spirit, D&C 46:2.
do that which the Spirit testifies, D&C 46:7.
he who asks in the Spirit shall receive in the Spirit, D&C 46:28.
he who asks in the Spirit asks according to will of God, D&C 46:30.
all things done in the Spirit must be done in name of Christ, D&C 46:31.
elders are ordained to preach gospel by the Spirit, D&C 50:13–14 (124:88).
preach by the Spirit of truth, D&C 50:17.
reception of the Holy Spirit by laying on of hands, D&C 55:1–3 (53:3; 76:52).
do as commanded by the Spirit, D&C 61:27–28 (62:8).
the Lord holds his Spirit because of wickedness, D&C 63:32 (64:16; 121:37).
Joseph Smith has power to discern by the Spirit who should go to Zion, D&C 63:41.
Sidney Rigdon grieves the Spirit, D&C 63:55.
things to be spoken with constraint of the Spirit, D&C 63:64.
the Spirit to be withheld if Saints are not equal in temporal things, D&C 70:14.
members are appointed by the Holy Spirit to go to Zion, D&C 72:24.
by power of the Spirit our eyes were opened, D&C 76:12, 18.
sons of perdition deny the Holy Spirit after receiving it, D&C 76:35.
those in celestial glory have received the Holy Spirit by laying on of hands, D&C 76:52.
telestial inhabitants deny not the Holy Spirit, D&C 76:83.
mysteries understood only through the Spirit, D&C 76:116.
the Spirit bestowed on those who love God and purify themselves, D&C 76:116.
man can bear God’s presence only through manifestation of the Spirit, D&C 76:118.
those who magnify priesthood callings are sanctified by the Spirit, D&C 84:33.
whatsoever is light is the Spirit, D&C 84:45.
the Spirit gives light to every man, D&C 84:46.
everyone who hearkens to the Spirit comes unto the Father, D&C 84:47.
my Spirit shall be in your hearts, D&C 84:88.
my voice is Spirit, D&C 88:66.
my Spirit is truth, D&C 88:66 (91:4; 93:23–26).
pray as the Spirit gives utterance, D&C 88:137.
Christ is the Spirit of truth, D&C 93:9, 11, 26.
the Lord to pour out his Spirit upon all flesh, D&C 95:4.
the Lord speaks with voice of his Spirit, D&C 97:1.
elders given power to declare word in demonstration of the Holy Spirit, D&C 99:2.
write according to that which shall be dictated by the Spirit, D&C 104:81.
those who are chosen shall be manifest by voice of the Spirit, D&C 105:36.
high priest may serve as bishop, having knowledge of temporal things by the Spirit of truth, D&C 107:71.
place to tarry shall be signalized by peace and power of the Spirit, D&C 111:8.
hearken to voice of the Spirit, D&C 112:22.
the Spirit is sent forth into world, D&C 136:33.