hardhearted to be delivered unto destruction, both temporally and spiritually, 1 Ne. 14:7.
river of filthy water is representation of things both temporal and spiritual, 1 Ne. 15:26–32.
prophecies of Isaiah1 pertain to things both temporal and spiritual, 1 Ne. 22:3.
by spiritual law, men perish from that which is good, 2 Ne. 2:5.
to be spiritually-minded is life eternal, 2 Ne. 9:39.
those who keep commandments are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual, Mosiah 2:41.
administer to relief of poor, both spiritually and temporally, Mosiah 4:26.
Christ has spiritually begotten those who enter covenant, Mosiah 5:7.
Nephites impart to one another both temporally and spiritually, Mosiah 18:29.
have ye spiritually been born of God, Alma 5:14.
ask for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both temporal and spiritual, Alma 7:23.
through resurrection, body and spirit become spiritual and immortal, Alma 11:45.
Alma2 knows these things, not of temporal but of spiritual, Alma 36:4.
as fathers were slothful they did not prosper, so it is with spiritual things, Alma 37:43.
day of grace is past with Nephites, both temporally and spiritually, Morm. 2:15.
spiritual gifts will never be done away, Moro. 10:19.