Nephi1 receives much strength of the Lord, 1 Ne. 4:31.
my God shall be my strength, 1 Ne. 21:5 (Isa. 49:5).
put on thy strength, O Zion, 2 Ne. 8:24 (3 Ne. 20:36; Isa. 52:1).
the Lord Jehovah is my strength, 2 Ne. 22:2 (Isa. 12:2).
branches have grown faster than strength of roots, Jacob 5:48.
root and top to be equal in strength, Jacob 5:66.
Benjamin serves his people with all his strength, Mosiah 2:11.
not requisite that man should run faster than he has strength, Mosiah 4:27.
in strength of the Lord, Zeniff’s people go to battle against Lamanites, Mosiah 9:17.
people of Noah3 boast in own strength, Mosiah 11:19.
in strength of the Lord, Ammon2 can do all things, Alma 20:4 (26:12).
Ammon2 knows that as to his own strength he is weak, Alma 26:12.
turn to the Lord with all your strength, Alma 39:13.
Ammonite youths fight as if with strength of God, Alma 56:56.
slaughter of Nephites caused by their boasting in own strength, Hel. 4:13 (Morm. 3:9; 4:8).
Nephites cry unto the Lord for strength against robbers, 3 Ne. 3:12.
Mormon2 has but strength of man, Moro. 9:18.
love God with all your strength, Moro. 10:32.