Strengthen See also Nourish; Strength; Strong if men keep commandments, God strengthens them, 1 Ne. 17:3. the Lord strengthened people of Alma1 to bear burdens, Mosiah 24:15. Nephites are strengthened by hand of the Lord, Alma 2:28. law of Moses strengthened faith in Christ, Alma 25:16. strengthen thy stakes, 3 Ne. 22:2 (Moro. 10:31; Isa. 54:2). teacher’s duty is to watch over Church and strengthen them, D&C 20:53. strengthen people and prepare them for gathering, D&C 31:8. strengthen up Church, D&C 37:2. go forth among churches and strengthen them, D&C 50:37. things of earth given to strengthen body, D&C 59:19. strengthen feeble knees, D&C 81:5. Zion’s stakes must be strengthened, D&C 82:14 (133:9).