Stretch Nephi1 stretches forth hand and the Lord shakes brothers, 1 Ne. 17:54. the Lord’s hand is stretched out, 2 Ne. 15:25 (19:12, 17, 21; 20:4; 24:27; Jacob 6:4; Isa. 5:25). Saints must be led out of bondage with stretched-out arm, D&C 103:17. the Lord stretched out heavens, D&C 104:14. as well might man stretch forth puny arm to stop the Missouri, D&C 121:33. the Lord’s curtains are stretched out still, Moses 7:30. God can stretch forth hands and hold all his creations, Moses 7:36. the Lord stretches hand over sea and it obeys, Abr. 2:7. the Lord’s hand is stretched out, Abr. 3:12.