Strife See also Contention; Dissension many churches to be built up which cause strifes, 2 Ne. 26:21. those who do not belong to Church indulge in envyings and strife, Alma 1:32. strife among Nephites, Alma 4:9 (Hel. 11:23; 13:22; Morm. 8:36). priests preach against strifes, Alma 16:18. all strifes shall be done away, 3 Ne. 21:19. turn, ye Gentiles, from all your strifes, 3 Ne. 30:2. no strifes among Nephites, 4 Ne. 1:16. he who breathes out strifes against work of the Lord shall be hewn down, Morm. 8:21. proclaim the Lord’s word among wicked, not with strife, D&C 60:14. Saints polluted inheritances by envyings and strifes, D&C 101:6.