the Lord will come suddenly to his temple, D&C 36:8 (42:36; 133:2).
temple at Jerusalem to be destroyed, D&C 45:18–20.
spot for temple is west of Independence, D&C 57:3.
spot for temple to be consecrated by Sidney Rigdon, D&C 58:57.
temple to be built at Zion, Jackson County, D&C 59: Intro.
temple lot dedicated by Joseph Smith, D&C 84:3.
temple to be built in New Jerusalem, D&C 84:4.
temple to be built in this generation, D&C 84:4–5, 31.
glory of the Lord to rest on temple, D&C 84:5.
establish house of prayer, house of God, D&C 88:119 (109:8).
man is tabernacle of God, even temple, D&C 93:35.
God shall destroy whatever temple is defiled, D&C 93:35.
build house in name of the Lord, D&C 97:15 (124:24, 40).
the Lord will not come into unholy temples, D&C 97:17.
veil of covering of temple to be taken off, D&C 101:23.
first elders to receive endowments in Kirtland Temple, D&C 105:33.
prayer offered at dedication of Kirtland Temple, D&C 109.
the Lord will manifest himself to his people in his house, D&C 110:7.
commandment to build temple at Nauvoo, D&C 124:25–55.
the Lord’s people are always commanded to build house unto his name, D&C 124:39.
temple ordinances to be revealed, D&C 124:40.
book containing records of dead to be presented in temple, D&C 128:24.
great latter-day work to include temples and performance of ordinances for dead, D&C 138:54.
revelation extending priesthood and temple blessings to all worthy male members, OD 2.