hardhearted shall be led down to destruction, temporally and spiritually, 1Â Ne. 14:7.
river of filthy water is representation of things both temporal and spiritual, 1 Ne. 15:26–32.
these things of which are spoken are temporal, 1Â Ne. 22:6.
by temporal law men were cut off, 2Â Ne. 2:5.
those who keep commandments are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual, Mosiah 2:41.
administer to relief of poor, both spiritually and temporally, Mosiah 4:26.
Nephites impart to each other both temporally and spiritually, Mosiah 18:29.
ask for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both temporal and spiritual, Alma 7:23.
men first transgressed first commandments as to things which were temporal and became as Gods, knowing good and evil, Alma 12:31.
Alma2 knows these things, not of temporal but of spiritual, Alma 36:4.
first parents were cut off both temporally and spiritually, Alma 42:7.
Fall brought upon mankind spiritual death as well as temporal death, Alma 42:9.
being cut off from presence of God by Fall, all mankind were dead both as to things temporal and spiritual, Hel. 14:16.
day of grace is past with Nephites, both temporally and spiritually, Morm. 2:15.