Feast on the Scriptures

Feast on the Scriptures

man and woman studying scriptures


The more you put into your scripture study, the more blessings you’ll get out of it: spiritual guidance, knowledge, understanding, and encouragement, just to name a few. Most importantly, your faith in and testimony of the Savior will grow.

Goal Description

Don’t just read the scriptures, feast on them (see 2 Nephi 32:3). Study the scriptures diligently every day and apply them to your life.

Goal Ideas

  • Each time you start your scripture study, pray and ask Heavenly Father to teach you through the Holy Ghost.

  • Start a scripture journal. Each time you read the scriptures, write what you learn. Record any spiritual impressions you receive, as well as ideas for future study.

  • Choose a topic you’d like to learn more about, like charity or faith in Christ. Look up scriptures on that topic (you could use the Topical Guide or do your own search). Look for common messages or themes in the scriptures you find.

  • Search the scriptures specifically for answers to your gospel questions, like “How do I exercise faith in Jesus Christ?” or “How can I find hope in my life?” Pray to be led to the answers you are seeking.

  • Create your own goal.

Related Resources

Ten Scripture Study Tools (Ensign)

Teachings of Latter-day Prophets on the Blessings of Scripture Study (New Testament Class Member Study Guide)

A Reservoir of Living Water (BYU Devotional)

Successful Scripture Study

8 Tips for the New-Year Scripture-Study Challenge
