Learn How the Holy Ghost Speaks to You

Learn How the Holy Ghost Speaks to You

young woman praying


The companionship of the Holy Ghost is an amazing gift! The Spirit can help you make good decisions, avoid temptation and danger, and find ways to serve others. Most importantly, following the Spirit helps you become more like the Savior.

Goal Description

Learn to recognize how the Holy Ghost speaks to you and obey the promptings you receive.

Goal Ideas

  • Look in the Children’s Songbook or Hymns for songs about the Holy Ghost. Learn one or more of these songs.

  • Talk with trusted adults, such as a parent or leaders, to see how they learned to follow the Spirit. See what advice they may have to help you learn how the Holy Ghost speaks to you. Make a plan to practice what you learn.

  • Write down any questions you have about how to have the Spirit with you, and how to hear and follow the promptings you receive. Then look in the scriptures or general conference talks for answers.

  • Do an activity that is likely to help you feel the Spirit, such as serving someone else, reading the scriptures, or going to the temple. Ask Heavenly Father to help you recognize the Spirit. Pay attention to the feelings you have. You may want to write about them in your journal.

  • Pray for the ability to recognize the promptings of the Holy Ghost that you are receiving. Just as importantly, write them down. You could carry a small notebook or cards with you for this purpose, or use the Gospel Living app. Then make a plan to act on the impressions you receive.

  • Create your own goal.

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