Finding Personal Meaning in the Sacrament

Finding Personal Meaning in the Sacrament

young woman taking sacrament


Find ways to make the sacrament meaningful to you.


Invite an adult leader to reverently show your group how the sacrament is prepared and administered in the chapel. You could discuss the meaning of the bread and the water, how the sacrament is passed, and how the sacrament is administered to the sick and afflicted if they cannot attend church or cannot eat or drink.

More Ideas

  • Sacrament reflections—As a group, come up with a list of questions to consider each week as you take the sacrament. For example: What does it mean to take upon myself the name of Christ? How can I follow the Savior more closely in the coming week? Invite participants to record their spiritual impressions in their journals.

  • Bread for the sacrament—With the bishop’s or branch president’s permission, make bread for the sacrament as a group:

    • Prior to the activity, ask an adult to help you who knows how to make bread. Ask this person to provide a bread recipe.

    • Assign each class member to bring an ingredient for the bread to the activity (you don’t have to tell them why).

    • At the activity, with the adult’s help, make the bread. Consider talking about the symbolism of the bread in the sacrament.

  • Plan a sacrament meeting—With the bishop’s or branch president’s permission, plan and participate in a sacrament meeting with talks and hymns about the purpose and meaning of the sacrament. Invite friends and family members to attend.

  • Help with sacrament meeting for those in need—With the bishop’s or branch president’s permission, plan and participate in a sacrament meeting for a group in a care facility or a person who is homebound. Afterward, meet as a group to discuss your experience.


Encourage participants to talk about what they are learning. Discussions can take place before, during, or after the activity. You could ask questions like the following:

  • Why do you think it is important to make the sacrament meaningful to you?

  • When have you had a meaningful experience partaking of the sacrament?

  • What feelings or impressions do you have about the sacrament?

  • How can you apply what you are learning in your life?

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